Voter Registration
Each state has a different registration process, and a unique set of voter and election laws. So, in order to make it easy for you, we have all 50 states and D.C. below. It only takes a few minutes to register to vote. You can click on your home state to begin!
In this section you can register to vote, learn about pre-registration, get voter registration deadlines, and pledge to register to vote.
Click here to learn more about voter registration in the United States.
Register to Vote
Click on your home state to be taken to your state's voter registration page, which has all the information you'll need to know about registering to vote in your state.
Click here to see a list of the key issue positions of the Democratic and Republican parties.
Pre Register to Vote
There are places in the United States where you can register to vote before you are 18 years old.

Political Party Positions Guide
In the United States there are two major political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans.
It can be hard to navigate the political parties to know which one you most align with.
Voter Registration Deadlines
In each state, there is a deadline that you must register to vote by, in order to be able to vote in the upcoming election. This deadline, if there is one, is decided by each state since there are no national voter registration deadlines. Some states allow you to register to vote on Election Day, which is known as Same Day Registration.
If you are registering to vote, make sure you know when you need to do it by in order to be able to vote in the upcoming election.
ID Required to Register to Vote
In order to register to vote, you will need to provide some method of identification. States have different methods of identification that they accept for this process.
If you encounter any problems when registering to vote, or have any questions, you can contact your local board/ office of elections, the state's board of elections, or your state's Secretary of State office.
Registering to Vote as a College Student
As a college student, you may have the option to choose where you want to vote. Depending on the state you go to college in, you may have the option to choose if you want to vote in the elections back home, or the elections of the state where you go to school. If you choose to vote in the state you go to college in, you will need to register to vote in that state. Keep in mind that you can only be registered to vote in one place at a time.
Make sure to contact the local county board/ office of elections if you have any questions about registering to vote as a college student in the state you go to college in, instead of the state you are from.
Click the scenario that applies
to you in order to learn more
Something to Keep in mind
While you are able to register to vote in the state you attend college in, you may want to consider that when you change your address you have to update your voter registration.
This means that if you change residence on, or off campus, i.e switch dorms, then your registration will need to be updated.
It may be easier and less of a commitment for you to register to vote in your home state, and
request a mail-in/ absentee ballot, because you’ll be away from home on Election Day, and
vote that way.
Pledge to Register to Vote
If you don't want to pre-register to vote, or are unable to do so, you can sign up to be reminded to register to vote on your 18th birthday curtsey of
Fill out the form below to be reminded to vote on your 18th birthday!